Village Officials Expel OPM KKB Papua Leadership Egianus Kogoya

Village Officials Expel OPM KKB Papua Leadership Egianus Kogoya

Armed Criminal Groups (KKB) in Papua are suspected of frequently interfering with village officials to get money and food.
KKB OPM (Free Papua Organization) led by Egianus Kogoya is the group that has been active in the past year disturbing security in Nduga Regency. In fact, the action is classified as sadistic because he did not hesitate to kill his victims.
However, there was a unique incident told by Lanny Jaya Regional Secretary, Christian Sohilait about the courage of one of the village apparatus in the Kuyawage District. He tells the experience of Leus Murib who dared to face the KKB Ndugama region leader, Egianus Kogoya.
"When the Nduga KKB group led by Egianus Kogoya entered for a grieving event in Kuyawage, he gave time, after how many days of grief, (Egianus group) had to leave this place immediately because this was a refugee area, we did not want bloodshed or armed contact here, "he said in Jayapura, Monday (11/25/2019).
When his presence in Kuyawage was limited by Leus Murib, Egianus was not not opposed, but Leus who was a local citizen actually dared to face him. "Egianus rebelled but he (Leus Murib) raised his arrow too. This is just an example," Sohilait said.
According to him, this can happen because the village apparatus in Lanny Jaya is a native of the area so he also has a position in the local adat structure.
This proves that in fact the indigenous Papuans no longer support the OPM which is often cruel. The community is fed up with arbitrary OPM behavior.

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