Building Papua Is Building Indonesia

Building Papua Is Building Indonesia

Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security Mahfud Md opened the Papua Development Conference in 2019. Mahfud stressed that building Papua must be with a sincere heart.
The conference with the theme 'Human Resources (SDM) Leading Towards Advanced Indonesia' was held at the JW Mariot Hotel, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Tuesday (12/17/2019). Mahfud initially said that Papua and Indonesia were two inseparable elements.
"Indonesia is progressing along with Papua, which is an inseparable part. This activity aims to socialize the development of development in Papua and West Papua as a media to further introduce the success of development in Papua and also at the same time find solutions," Mahfud said in his remarks.
Mahfud added that the conference was also a forum to socialize and dissect Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 9 of 2017 concerning the acceleration of welfare development in Papua and West Papua. In addition, it is also an effort to introduce the culture that exists in Papua.
"As well as input from the continuation of the implementation of Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2017 concerning the acceleration of welfare development in Papua and West Papua. So that if the development effort is still a problem, the obstacles in which aspects will be diagnosed by this conference and also a forum to market leading commodities in the Papua region and further introducing Papuan culture, "he said.
Through the Presidential Instruction, said Mahfud, President Jokowi had instructed 27 ministries and institutions to accelerate welfare development in Papua and West Papua. "In strategic areas such as basic services, local economic development, basic infrastructure and others," said Mahfud.
"Papua is a legitimate part of the Republic of Indonesia, so the assumption of this seminar is how we think that building Papua is building Indonesia," he concluded.

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