The Ministry of Transportation Monitor Papua Realization of Pioneer Pioneer Cargo Subsidy Program

The Ministry of Transportation Monitor Papua Realization of Pioneer Pioneer Cargo Subsidy Program

Cargo Pioneer Air Transport Subsidies and Passenger Air Transport Subsidies are Government Programs, through the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, to facilitate access to public transportation in the Isolated, Outermost, Disadvantaged and Border areas (3TP).

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) ensures that the air bridge program runs smoothly according to Kemenhub's strategic plan. In its implementation, Air Transport Director Maria Kristi Endah Nurni also monitored the implementation of the pioneering cargo subsidy program in Papua.

He stated that he had monitored several airports in Papua. There are several airports that have a strategic role in the distribution of subsidized cargo in Papua, namely Tanah Merah Boven Digoel airport, Oksibil Mountains Bintang airport and Timika airport.

"We have been monitoring the cargo subsidy program at several airports in Papua to evaluate, coordinate and synergize the roles of all stakeholders in the field," said Maria, Monday (12/16/2019).

In addition to monitoring the activities at the airport, Maria also went to the warehouse where the staple goods are stored and made sure that the Ministry of Transportation's subsidy services are running well for the whole community. Maria explained, the cargo subsidy program was oriented to reduce price disparities, especially staples in the city and in the districts of Papua.

"Through pioneering cargo air transport subsidies, the government continues to attend, especially to serve the needs of regions that are geographically not possible to be reached by transportation facilities outside airplanes in Papua," said Maria.

The service and hard work of each airport is the key to the success of the pioneering cargo air transport program in Papua. Airport service and hard work are the main key, he appreciates the hard work of all stakeholders throughout the Airport who have sought to maximize services to the public in this Pioneer Cargo Air Transport Subsidy program.

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