Mimika Regency Government Plans to Apply PSBB

Mimika Regency Government Plans to Apply PSBB

In line with the increasing number of positive co-19s in the Mimika Regency in Papua Province, it becomes a benchmark for the enactment of large-scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in order to reduce transmission rates.

Mimika Deputy Regent Jonannes Rettob revealed that his party was still waiting for approval from the Minister of Health to implement the PSBB.

However, there has been no further explanation because there has not been an increase in status from emergency alert to emergency response as well as a study of COVID-19 local transmission events.

"The current condition is that Mimika has fulfilled these two conditions. We hope that the Ministry of Health will immediately approve the implementation of the PSBB in Mimika, "he said.

Johannes said, the Mimik Regency Government planned to implement the PSBB from March 23 to the next two weeks if it was approved by the Minister of Health.

"When implementing the PSBB, above 14.00 noon there may not be any residents passing carelessly on the highway, except for security officers and medical officers as well as certain people who get special assignment letters and other emergency (emergency) interests," Johannes said .

"Likewise with business places, in addition to markets and shops that sell food, pharmacies and health facilities, no one can operate above 14.00 noon," he added.

Johannes said that since the formation of the COVID-19 Task Force in the Mimika Regency on March 18 and the issuance of the Mimika Regent's Instruction No. 1 of 2020 on March 25, the Mimika Regency Government began to limit community activities and business activities.

The restrictions include stopping all flight activities from Timika Airport and shipping activities at the Port of Pomako, the policy of allowing state civil servants to work from home, facilitating school activities and implementing teaching and learning processes from home, as well as restrictions on religious, social and economic activities.

Since March 26, activities in the market and other public places have been restricted from 6:00 to 14:00 WIT. In the first period from March 16 to April 9, the District Government still appealed for residents to remain at home, maintain a safe distance, and adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle to avoid COVID-19.

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