PLN and the Government are ready to attend in every condition

PLN and the Government are ready to attend in every condition

To support President Joko Widodo's policy related to the exemption of electricity tariffs for household consumers of 450 Volt Ampere (VA) and the provision of 50 percent bill relief to 900 VA subsidized household consumers, PLN has prepared a mechanism or way to obtain the program.

For 450 VA postpaid customers, the bill will be immediately released in April, May and June. While prepaid customers can get it by sending the Customer ID number to WA with the number 08122-123-123 or through the PLN website With this ID, the customer will get the highest usage value token in the last 3 months.

Whereas the discounted tariff for 900 VA subsidized customers for postpaid customers, the account that must be paid monthly will be reduced by 50 percent. While for prepaid customers, a free electricity token of 50 percent will be given to customers, calculated from the highest monthly usage in the last 3 months.

And the following is a free token collection mechanism for 450 VA power customers and 50 percent discount for subsidized 900 VA power customers.

Website mechanism by:

1. Open address then enter the customer menu and go directly to covid-19 stimulus options
2. Enter Customer ID / Meter Number. Then the Free Token will be displayed on the screen.
3. Customers just need to enter the Free Token to the meter that matches the Customer ID.
Or you can also access via WA to number 08122-123-123. In a way :
4. Open the WhatsApp Application
5. Chat WhatsApp to 08122-123-123, follow the instructions, one of which enter the Customer ID.
6. A free token will appear
7. Customers just need to enter the Free Token to the meter that matches the Customer ID.
With this Customer ID, the customer will get the highest usage value token in the last 3 months.

There are currently around 24 million 450 VA household customer data, plus 7 million 900 VA subsidized household customers that must be entered into the system. This process will be completed in the next week so that all customers who are free and get discounts can be served completely.

"The process of distribution of Bill-Free Tokens and Electricity Tariff Discounts is indeed gradual, which began on April 1, no later than April 11, all eligible customers can already enjoy the program," said Executive Vice President of Corporate Communication & CSR of PLN, I Made Suprateka, Thursday (2/4).

This policy of providing electricity bill relief is a form of state presence in helping the economy of the poor and disadvantaged. "This is proof that PLN and the Government are ready to be present in every condition," said Made.

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