PPE assistance from the Papua Provincial Government arrived in Sorong

PPE assistance from the Papua Provincial Government arrived in Sorong

The Task Force COVID-19 Regency of Bintuni Bay received 900 gloves and 350 pieces of masks from Petrotekno management.

Secretary of the Bintuni Bay COVID-19 Task Force, Franky Mobilala, acknowledged that this assistance from Petrotekno was the second.

Until now, Bintuni Bay still lacks Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as gloves, masks, and body temperature gauges.

Franky believes that with assistance from Petrotekno, it can overcome the shortcomings in a number of puskesmas and officers at the entrance to Bintuni Bay.

"We are grateful that up to now there has not been a Patient Under Control (PDP) found in Bintuni. All parties must maintain a clean living discipline and maintain distance. This is the main key," he said, Wednesday (8/4).

Bintuni Bay Regency Government continues to disseminate information on preventing the spread of COVID-19, one of which is by distributing 8,000 posters and leaflets to be distributed to the public.

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