The quarantine implementation of the Old Sentani Lama Market area is monitored directly by the Regent

The quarantine implementation of the Old Sentani Lama Market area is monitored directly by the Regent

The Jayapura Regent, Mathius Awoitauw, monitored the implementation of quarantine in certain areas in the Old Sentani Market area. Awoitauw together with the Covid-19 Task Force Team and Sentani District Government officials visited the area.

Mathius Awoitauw who is also the Chairperson of the Covid Task Force for the Covid Handling of 19 Jayapura Regency stated that the quarantine of certain areas was an effort to break the chain of transmission of the corona virus in Jayapura Regency. The quarantine is enforced at the Ex-Sentani Lama Market, particularly on Jalan Mambruk, RT V and RT VI, Hinekombe and RW VII Dobonsolo.

Awoitauw positive cases of corona are found in the region. In addition, in this region there are also many People in Monitoring (ODP) and Patients in Oversight (PDP).

"Every day there must be, ODP, PDP and even positive ones. Therefore, the area needs to be quarantined, "said Awoitauw after monitoring the implementation of the quarantine.

According to him, the quarantine of the Old Sentani Old Market area will last for 14 days. Residents who live there have to undergo a quick check or rapid test, so that anyone who has been infected with the corona virus is immediately treated by the medical team.

"If there is a positive indication, then after the rapid test the person will take a throat swab specimen, and will be taken to the laboratory to be tested using the PCR realtime method, to be more sure," Awoitauw said.

He stated that the spread of the corona virus in Ex-Pasar Lama originated from the Gowa cluster. The spread of the corona virus is indeed concentrated around the corona positive patient's residence from the Gowa cluster.

Awoitauw hopes that the quarantine will make it easier for medical staff to track all people who have been infected with the corona virus, including those infected without symptoms. "With this effort we will know how much more needs to be addressed, so that community activities can return to normal later," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Sentani District, Eroll Yohanes Daisiu said that his office had coordinated the implementation of the quarantine with government officials at the village and kelurahan level. Officials at the village and kelurahan level socialize the policy to every citizen.

"During the quarantine period, community activities in the region will continue to be closely monitored. Our direction is that the community [must] remain at home, unless [there is] an urgent need, and that [must] be known to the head of the RT and kelurahan, "he concluded.

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