West Papua Provincial Government Allocates a Budget of Rp 30 Billion to Handle Covid-19

West Papua Provincial Government Allocates a Budget of Rp 30 Billion to Handle Covid-19

The West Papua Provincial Government will allocate a budget of Rp. 30 billion to finance the entire operational handling of prevention of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) in the West Papua region.

The Governor of West Papua, Drs Dominggus Mandacan in a Forkopimda meeting with the Forum for Religious Communication (FKUB) at the provincial and Manokwari levels in Swiss-bellhotel Manokwari, Friday (3/4/2020) said the budget was Rp. 30 billion was obtained after the revised 2010 TA budget.

"So the budget that will be allocated for handling Covid 19 in West Papua is around Rp 30 billion. We will leave it to the task force for its management, "Mandacan said.

Since the Covid-19 outbreak broke out in West Papua, the West Papua Provincial Government moved quickly by allocating a budget of around Rp. 5 billion sourced from SILPA funds, which are intended to complement facilities in the West Papua Province Hospital as a quarantine place for Suspect Covid-19 patients.

Consideration of the next increase in budget, after the government upgraded West Papua's status as Emergency Covid-19 some time ago. The budget allocation is smaller than the proposal of the West Papua Covid 19 Task Force team which submitted around Rp. 90 billion to finance health facilities, including spending on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

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