Safe Pilkada in West Papua

West Papua Governor Dominggus Mandacan is optimistic that the regional elections that will be held in nine districts in the region will run safely. Dominggus said, West Papua is considered as one of the conflict-prone areas in the 2020 Pilkada Simultaneously.

According to Dominggu, a number of previous regional elections were successful thanks to the cooperation of all elements of society.

The former regent of Manokwari for two periods hopes that FKUB will carry out its role well, namely to provide coolness to the community. "Likewise, the community follows the delivery of the vision and mission carried out by the candidates and their success team. Listen carefully, please understand, then on December 9 they come to the polling stations to distribute their voting rights, do not want to be provoked," said Dominggus.

The governor hopes that the election organizers can carry out their duties properly and according to the rules. Thus, it does not trigger conflicts in the regions. "From KPU commissioners to KPPS, they work according to the rules. What is regulated has already been carried out, if it is like that, we are sure that the elections will run safely," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the West Papua FKUB, Reverend Sadrak Simbiak, hopes that the democratic party can make all citizens happy. "The party has the connotation of joy, so this democratic party must all be happy. It does not hurt each other, is safe and peaceful," he said.

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