3 New Provinces Will Complete Papua

Papua is likely to be divided into three additional provinces, accompanying Papua and West Papua. The three additional provinces are Southwest Papua, South Papua and Central Papua.

This was stated by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD after meeting with the Chairman of the MPR Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) and the Papua Communication and Aspiration Forum (FOR Papua), Friday (11/9/2020). He stated the Coordinating Minister for Pilhukam, the government's plan to divide Papua Province into five regions.

Responding to this, member of Commission II of the DPR, Viva Yoga Mauladi, agreed to the plan to expand Papua into five provinces, as conveyed by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD.

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According to the politician from the National Mandate Party (PAN), through expansion, Papua is expected to enjoy economic growth in addition to improving the Human Development Index (HDI). Thus, he said, there would be no imbalance in welfare and human resources with other provinces, especially with the progress of education.

"I agree with the plan with the aim of developing the economy and human resources by advancing education, for example," said Viva Yoga when contacted by the Indonesian Business Information Network (JIBI) by telephone, Friday. He added that the most important thing in carrying out the pemekaran was to still refer to the existing law as the legal umbrella.

Must Prepare Bureaucrats
Meanwhile, LIPI researcher Siti Zuhro stated that after Papua and West Papua Provinces, Papua could be divided into three additional provinces to become five provinces. The next three provinces are Southwest Papua, South Papua and Central Papua.

However, Siti Zuhro reminded that the division of the three provinces provided that Papua had to build a bureaucratic apparatus or prepare competent human resources (HR) and prepare reliable regional economic potential.

There are already many regencies / cities in Indonesia, namely 542. If you want expansion, there must be improvements and local human resources [bureaucrats] are prepared first, the regional economic potential and adequate population, "said Siti Zuhro.

For the formation of the New Autonomous Region (DOB), said Siti Zuhro, the readiness of human resources in the form of local bureaucratic apparatus is absolute. Adequate and competent human resources are needed to run the government bureaucracy effectively, efficiently and professionally.

"If not, then the government cannot be run effectively, efficiently and professionally. So it will go bankrupt, as a result of not being able to achieve development targets, "said Siti.

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