Ahead of Simultaneous Pilkada, Legislators Want Peaceful Papua

West Papua Electoral District DPR (Dapil) member, Robert J Kardinal, encourages the settlement of the Papua problem by peaceful means. In particular, in dealing with the case of the declaration of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua or the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) led by Benny Wenda.

Robert reminded that a conducive and peaceful political situation needs to be maintained ahead of the simultaneous regional elections on December 6.

"Let us work together to ensure that the things that are happening in Papua and West Papua can be handled properly so that the regional elections run safely. Incidentally I just arrived from West Papua.

People are all enthusiastic, properly and orderly apply health protocols, "he asked in Jakarta, yesterday.

The problems that exist in the two youngest provinces of Indonesia, said Robert, really need serious attention.

However, every policy taken by the government, TNI and Polri should be carried out in a peaceful, measurable manner and in accordance with existing laws and regulations.

"I think there is no other way, special autonomy is the best solution for Papua's development in the future," said the politician who has sat in the DPR for four terms, representing West Papua.

Because of this, the former chairman of the Golkar faction hopes that the government and parliament can immediately complete the discussion on the revision of Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua which will end in 2021.

However, he asked that the discussion of the law in the DPR be based on the aspirations of the Papuan people.

He is sure that if the dialogue and people's aspirations are wide open, the Special Autonomy Law can be a solution to the problems that often arise in this Cendrawasih Earth.

Robert encouraged the government to open the door to the widest possible dialogue with all elements of society in Papua regarding the revision of the Papua Special Autonomy (Otsus) Law.

This dialogue is very important to ensure that the results of the revision truly fulfill the aspirations of the Papuan people.

"The current Papua Special Autonomy Law, the specificity is between existing and non-existent. Therefore, dialogue is very important, "he said.

Moreover, continued Robert, the situation in Papua is heating up quite a bit because many people, traditional leaders, religious leaders, youth leaders reject the special autonomy discussion. Some even asked for a referendum.

After all, Papuans are open to having a dialogue, ”continued the General Treasurer of the Central National Leadership Council (Depinas), the Indonesian Self-Help Employee Organization (SOKSI).

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