BAKN DPR RI Supports Papua's Special Autonomy Fund with Several Improvements

The implementation of the special autonomy fund (autonomy) for Papua will end in 2021 as stipulated in Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning special autonomy for Papua Province.

However, the DPR RI's State Financial Accountability Agency (BAKN) continues to support so that the Special Autonomy Fund can be continued by first making improvements related to the procedures for implementing the accountability of the special autonomy funds.

"BAKN DPR RI supports the Special Autonomy Fund to be continued by first making improvements in the planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation systems, as well as reporting and accountability," said Chairman of BAKN DPR RI Marwan Cik Asan.

According to Marwan, the government must form a PP regarding the procedures for implementing the accountability of special autonomy funds, so that in the special autonomy fund accountability report, it can be presented separately with the accountability report of the provincial APBD so that it will facilitate monitoring and evaluation of the use of the special autonomy fund.

Previously, the politician from the Democrat Party faction stated that before the end of the implementation of the Special Autonomy Fund, various pros and cons had emerged regarding the continuation of the next period.

He revealed that some people think that the Special Autonomy Fund is not on target and has not been able to improve the standard of living and welfare of the indigenous Papuan people. Meanwhile, others think that the Special Autonomy Fund needs to be continued and increased in number as well as making improvements to regulations and accountability.

"Reports on the use of the Special Autonomy Fund in Papua and West Papua Provinces have not been based on specific government regulations, as mandated in Article 18 of Law Number 21 of 2001, so that the responsibility for managing the Special Autonomy Fund and the Provincial APBD has not been separated. As for the economy, overall macroeconomic indicators and the welfare of the people of Papua and West Papua tend to increase during the implementation of the Special Autonomy Fund. This condition makes it difficult for the central government to evaluate the implementation of the use of the Special Autonomy Fund, "he explained.

Therefore, this Lampung electoral politician suggested the need for adequate budget support from the government together with the DPR RI, considering that so far the obstacles in carrying out supervision of special autonomy funds by the Republic of Indonesia BPK, especially in Papua and West Papua are due to budget constraints and limited human resources.

"Regarding human resource issues, BAKN DPR RI encourages the central government to provide support for the provincial government to provide human resources who have the capability and competence in managing the Special Autonomy Fund," he concluded.

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