KONI Aceh Targets Gold from Anggar in Papua PON

KONI Aceh has made fencing as one of the hopes to win a gold medal at PON Papua in 2021. This hope feels natural, because Aceh was once king in the national fencing branch along with South Sulawesi, East Java and Jakarta, in the decade of the 80s to 90s. "We hope that this era will return, because we still have figures from that heyday in Aceh. They become mentors for this hope, "said Deputy Chairman III of the Aceh KONI for Research and Development, Teuku Rayuan Sukma, yesterday.

This optimism was also inseparable from the determination of the Aceh Provincial Government of Indonesia under the leadership of M Nasir Syamaun MPA who was able to hold a Kejurda evet in the midst of a pandemic, and was packaged creatively and innovatively. "This deserves to be appreciated, because in order to create organizational solidity, accompanied by achievements, there must be qualified creations. And this has been shown by the Aceh Provincial Government of Ikasi, "said Rayun Sukma, who is a former Aceh Kadispora.

Previously, last August - September Ikasi Aceh successfully held a limited circuit and is now back to holding the championship with a two-session pattern, which was opened by Rayuan Sukma representing the Chairman of KONI Aceh, Muzakkir Manaf.

According to him, designing two events during the Covid-19 pandemic conditions, other sports could not be carried out.

Even though he has designed the event according to the pandemic period, the former Aceh Kadispora still reminds the committee to consistently implement and comply with the health protocol (Protkes) during the Kejurprov,

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of the Ikasi Aceh Provincial Government, M Nasir Syamaun, SIP, MPA explained, according to this pandemic, Kejuprov was held in two sessions at the KONI Aceh Sports Hall, Banda Aceh.

The first session, he said, was held on November 28, competing for the Sabel numbers for men, women and women's Floret. The second session, December 5, 2020, competed against Degen men's, women's and men's floret numbers.

This championship, he said, was attended by 120 athletes from 12 district / city administrators (Pengkab / Pengkot) Ikasi in Aceh. Kejurprov was held in two sessions to avoid congestion and crowds of participants and the event also implemented a strict Protkes.

Nasir, who is also the General Secretary of KONI Aceh, said that this championship was also an arena for recruiting potential athletes who were prepared to face the National Championship in 2021.

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