Special Autonomy is Important to Encourage the Development of Papuan Human Resources

The implementation of Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua is seen as an approach taken by the central government in order to improve welfare, as well as to reduce the gap between Papua and other provinces. In the special autonomy, more authority is given to the regions, as well as respect for the basic rights of indigenous Papuans. The community was directly involved in supervising it

"Otsus is a policy for the prosperity of Papua," said Stevez R Mara, Chair of the Lira Youth, Papua Province, in the "Special Autonomy and Papua Struggle" Discussion.

If there are deficiencies, as well as rejection, it is natural that this is part of the criticism to make Otsus better. This is simply a different perspective, namely that the center thinks that Otsus is for the welfare of the Papuan people, while other parties see it as not optimal. In fact, large funds have been rolled out.

Chairman of the DPD Pemuda Mandala Trikora Papua Province, Albert Ali Kabiay, added that Otsus was here to answer problems in Papua. Otsus was born as the antithesis that when the new order was all centralistrik.

Otsus is important for human resource development, health, economic development in Papua. With great authority, it should be a stepping stone for indigenous Papuans to improve the welfare of the region and society.

"The Special Autonomy Fund must be used properly for the benefit of the Papuan people," he said.

He considered that Papuan youths had to think broadly, not just looking at one side, considering that the positive impact of special autonomy was also large. Large funds disbursed have reached Rp. 127 trillion. If used wisely, funds will benefit health, education, economic development and others.

"If it is used properly it will benefit indigenous Papuans, as youths, they must encourage Otsus to be more positive," he said.

He encouraged transparency from the provincial government regarding Otsus funds as well as improvements in the distribution of the Special Autonomy budget in the regions given the different locations for coastal and mountainous areas. Especially at this time, even though they have been given the authority and large funds, the Papuan human development index is still quite behind, even though it has improved from year to year.

"Therefore, it should be of concern to unite to push forward Otsus to continue, especially if there are more additions to the DAU, meaning this is a concern from the center so that there is equitable development in Papua. As a native Papuan youth, hopefully the funds will be used transparently, so that Papuans have confidence in the provincial government, "he said.

On the same occasion, Jayapura Regent Mathius Awoitauw explained that Otsus is an affirmative action by the central government to accelerate development in Papua. Moreover, from various sectors, Papua is still lagging behind other provinces.

Special autonomy, said Mathius, is one solution, acceleration, for equity, as well as a middle ground. He is sure that Otsus will continue. It only needs evaluation and it is a natural thing so that implementation can be even better.

"We in two customary areas, last September, have conducted an evaluation, attended by women youth religious leaders, there is the MRP (Papuan People's Council), we have a dialogue to see how the special autonomy funds are used after 20 years," he said.

To be sure, districts / cities also receive Otsus funds after previously deducting them at the provincial level. However, Jayapura seeks to maximize the special autonomy funds to encourage community involvement to become more independent, empowered, and able to strengthen culture.

Even if there is a negative response related to Otsus, he sees it as normal. However, he urged the provincial government to be more open, transparent, and at the same time willing to collaborate to evaluate Otsus together. Do not walk alone.

"If there is openness, it can be resolved properly, so that next time it can be fixed. For us in the regions, every year we get Rp. 40 / Rp. 100 billion, focused on the health sector, education, basic infrastructure and other affirmations. Jayapura Regency provides extraordinary space for indigenous peoples. There are efforts to revive adat with a small amount of affirmation funds, "he said.

He reminded not to let people be busy handling the Special Autonomy money, but the content was not, in this case how to raise all the potential of indigenous Papuans. The Special Autonomy Law also gave birth to the Perdasus, it also provides room for protection and alignments with the empowerment of indigenous Papuans, according to the potential resources they have.

The evaluation of Otsus is commonplace, because a policy must be reviewed for improvement, and it is natural and the Jayapura local government to support Otsus to run even better.

The chairman of the DPRD, Maybrat Ferdinando Solossa, asked the Governor of West Papua and the Governor of Papua to be in one rhythm, and not go alone. If there is already an evaluation, convey it to the public, do a public test so that the results are known as part of transparency to the public so that the public knows the realization of the four priorities of Otsus, namely the education, health, economy, and cultural affirmation sectors.

"Otsus is the domain of the province, there is no coordination between the Governor of Papua and West Papua, it goes on its own. "The Papuan People's Council should also collaborate with the governor, who in fact is the representative of the central government in the regions," he said.

SOURCE: https://www.beritasatu.com/nasional/697151/otsus-penting-untuk-dorong-perkembangan-sdm-papua

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