Pokdarwis Jayapura Regency Supports the Sustainability of Otsus

The Jayapura Regency Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) expressed their support for the sustainability of Otsus and also its expansion in Papua.

Hendrik Elly as the coordinator of Pokdarwis Jayapura said, the sustainability of Otsus, known as Otsus Volume II, needs to be supported by all parties, including in the tourism sector.

With the continuation of Otsus, said Hendrik Elly, it can support and increase sustainability in the tourism sector, including the Jayapura Regency area. Otsus is considered a good way to increase tourism potential in Papua, especially in Gresi District, Sentani.

Representing the five existing villages, Pokdarwis stated that tourism potential needs to be increased, both at the village to urban level.

"I represent the Gresi Selatan District Tourism Awareness Group, Jayapura Regency, which consists of five Klisi tribal villages, namely Klaisu, Bangai, Iwon, Omon and Bring, supporting the Otsus program from both the central and regional governments," explained Hendrik, Sunday (25/04/2021) .

Furthermore, Hendrik conveyed, Otsus Volume II needs to be supported for the sake of development in the villages, especially in the five Klaisu Tribe villages located in Gresi Selatan District, Jayapura Regency.

According to him, development in the village is very dependent on Otsus. The most important thing to support tourism is better road access.

Not only does it provide positive values ​​for the village and the tourism sector, development in the village will also have an impact on the welfare of the existing village communities.

"We hope to provide better road accesses from one village to another. This supports and opens tourism in the region, "he said.

SOURCE: https://papuainside.com/pokdarwis-kabamatan-jayapura-dukung-kebererdekaan-otsus/

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