Nemangkawi Task Force Shoots Dead 1 KKB Terrorist Member in Puncak Jaya Papua

The TNI-Polri team who are members of the Nemangkawi Task Force shot dead one terrorist member of the armed criminal group (KKB) in Puncak Jaya Regency, Papua. The member of the KKB terrorist who was shot dead was named Kopengga Enumbi alias Tamu Enumbi (28).

Guest Enumbi was shot dead while resisting the Nemangkawi Task Force in Puncak Smile Village, Irimuli District, Puncak Jaya Regency, on Tuesday (3/8/2021).

"Today, law enforcement steps have been taken by the joint TNI-Polri team who are members of the Nemangkawi Task Force led by Ipda Dedi Sudomo in synergy with the Pamrahwan Task Force Yonmek 521/DY and Pinang Sirih Task Force Battalion R 613/RA against a DPO KKB Yambi on behalf of Kopengga Enumbi alias Guest Enumbi (28)," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal in his statement in Jayapura, Tuesday (3/8/2021).

Kamal said, when the action was taken, the perpetrators resisted, so that the personnel took decisive action by shooting the perpetrators.

"The body of Kopengga Enumbi, a member of the Yambi KKB who entered the Puncak Jaya Police DPO, has been taken to the Mulia Hospital," he said.

When the DPO was disabled, the Nemangkawi Task Force team obtained evidence from his bag in the form of 11 rounds of SS1 caliber 5.56 mm, 1 badik knife, 1 helmet green highlighter, and 1 cellphone.

Kamal added, Tamu Enumbi is a fugitive from the Puncak Jaya Police LP/Files/02-K/I/2014/SPKT for the theft case with violent seizure of 8 weapons at the Kulirik Police Post, Puncak Jaya Regency on January 4, 2014 and December 5, 2018.

So far, Tamu Enumbi has played a role in meeting the logistical needs of the Yambi KKB movement under the leadership of Lekagak Telenggen. Then, Tamu Enumbi is also the younger brother of Lerimayu Enumbi KKB Yambi.

"The implementation of enforcement against Kopengga Enumbi alias Yamu Enumbi KKB Yambi or the Puncak Jaya Police DPO is the result of synergy between the Pamrahwan Task Force Yonmek 521/DY, Pinang Sirih Task Force Battalion R 613/RA, and the ranks of the Apintel in Puncak Jaya Regency," he said.


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