The chronology of the Papuan KKB Lekagak Telenggen lost its members again, shot dead by the Nemangkawi task force

This is the chronology of the Papuan KKB led by Lekagak Telenggen, which has lost another member.

The chronology begins when the Nemangkawi Task Force hunts down a member of the Papuan Lekagak Telenggen KKB named Kopengga Enumbi, Tuesday (3/8/2021).

Enumbi is known to be a member of the Papuan KKB who is on the wanted list (DPO) or wanted.

Kombes Pol Ahmad Musthofa Kamal as Head of the Nemangkawi Public Relations Task Force, said Kopengga Enumbi was involved in the theft of eight firearms at the Kulirik Police Post, Puncak Jaya, on January 4, 2014.

"The DPO on behalf of Kopengga Enumbi was successfully arrested by a joint team of the Nemangkawi task force, the TNI and the National Police," said Kamal in his statement, as reported by Kompas TV, Thursday (5/8/2021).

According to Kamal, during the arrest operation, a gun battle took place.

Fortunately, the support team from Yon Raider 613/RJA, led by Ipda Dedi Sudomo, managed to immobilize the perpetrator.

During the arrest, Kamal continued, the Nemangkawi Task Force obtained evidence in the form of 11 rounds of SS-1 ammunition of 5.56 mm caliber.

Then one badik knife, one green helmet, one cell phone, cigarettes, areca nut, and noken.

He explained that based on the results of the investigation, Kopengga Enumbi often met the needs of the separatist group suspected of being the Papuan KKB terrorist led by Lekagak Telenggen.

Meanwhile, Lekagak Telenggen is also known as one of the most wanted terrorist kingpins of the Papuan KKB.

He is also on the wanted list (DPO).

Kamal further added that the arrest of Kopengga Enumbi was part of the operation to eradicate separatist groups in Papua.

"He is a member of the Papuan KKB in the Yambi area," said the middle-ranking police officer with three jasmines on his shoulders.

The Nemangkawi Task Force, continued Kamal, tried to capture Kopengga Enumbi alive, but he resisted when he was about to be arrested.

"When the action was taken, there was resistance from the perpetrators so that the personnel took decisive action by shooting Kopengga Enumbi alias Tamu Enumbi, which resulted in the perpetrator's death on the spot," he said.


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