Reaching 3,462 KM, Trans Papua Road Opens Regional Isolation
The government is building the 3,462 kilometer Trans Papua Road that stretches from the Bird's Head in the Domberai Customary Area, Sorong, West Papua, to Bumi Anim Ha in Merauke Papua.
This infrastructure development is included in the national strategic project (PSN) and the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).
"President Jokowi, starting in 2015, has encouraged the acceleration of infrastructure development in Papua by continuing to work on the construction of the Trans Papua road which stretches for 3,462 kilometers," said Presidential Special Staff (Staffsus) Billy Mambrasar, in a written statement, quoted on Saturday (25/09/2021) .
The construction of the Trans Papua Road aims to improve the welfare of the Papuan people by increasing access and connectivity between regions so as to open up isolated areas.
In addition, the development of Trans Papua is also expected to reduce the cost index, reduce poverty, and distribute infrastructure development evenly throughout Indonesia.
"Connecting the Provinces of Papua and West Papua as well as being the connectivity of all cities, districts and villages throughout the Land of Papua," added Billy.
The Presidential Staff, who is a native Papuan son, revealed that he was mandated by President Jokowi to directly review the development of the Trans Papua Road.
"Until now, the development of Trans Papua has penetrated along 3,446 kilometers and will continue to be accompanied by the construction of schools, universities, religious places, Centers for Cross-Borders (PLBN), and so on," he said.
Furthermore, Billy said that since June 2021 he and the BAPER Team (Bring Changes) have made a number of visits in Papua, crossing two provinces (Papua and West Papua), 15 regencies, 66 districts, and 278 villages.
Not only reviewing the progress of the Trans Papua Road, during this working visit Billy also carried out a number of other agendas, including the launch of the Millennial Farmer Program, a vaccination review, meetings with local governments, and hearing people's complaints directly to be conveyed to President Jokowi.
"We all hope that Papua will develop like other developed regions. Let's make it all happen together!” concluded Billy.
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