Students in East Biak Get National Insight Materials

Babinsa Posramil 1708-01/East Biak Sertu Wahyu Hendro Patrias Setiawan gave material on national insight (Wasbang) to students, located at Eben Haizer Ipdi Elementary School, East Biak District, Biak Numfor Regency, Tuesday 12 October 2021.

In the activity Babinsa said, giving Wasbang material to students is one of the programs carried out by territorial officials to instill a sense of love for the homeland to all elements of society, including students and students in schools as the nation's next generation.

The provision of Wasbang material is adjusted to the age of elementary school students, so that they can understand and understand the history of the Indonesian nation in seizing independence, including Pancasila, and recalling the names of heroes, especially from the Papua region, who were instrumental in seizing independence from the hands of the invaders.

"In fact, it is not easy to be influenced and provoked by irresponsible parties who can divide the unity and integrity of the nation," explained Sertu Wahyu.

The Principal of SD Eben Haizer Ipdi, Mr. S. Ronsumbre, thanked Babinsa for coming to provide Wasbang material. With this activity, it is hoped that students, especially at an early age, will be able to appreciate the services of the heroes who have won the independence of the Indonesian nation from the hands of the invaders.


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