The Papua Provincial Government provides free internet facilities in villages

The Papua Provincial Government through the local Communications and Information Office provides free internet facility services for people living in villages in Bumi Cenderawasih.
Head of the Papua Province Communications and Informatics Agency, Jeri Agus Yudianto in Jayapura, Monday, said that the service facility can be a stimulant for the development of Human Resources (HR) capacity in the local area.
"Now we provide free Internet in Tobati and Enggros villages, Jayapura City," he said.
According to Jery, previously his party has provided free internet services in Kampung Kayu Pulo, Jayapura City, in the future it will gradually provide facilities according to the existing infrastructure.
"So we hope that there are still affordable villages with the infrastructure of the Papua Provincial Government so that they can also get free internet services," he said.
He explained that the provision of free internet is the development of the Papua Provincial Government's data communication network system which is managed through the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.
"We manage local government internet access which can be synergized to enter areas that are affordable by the Diskominfo infrastructure," he said again.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Enggros Village Government, Rully Merauje expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Papua Provincial Government for the provision of free internet facilities.
"This really supports us in accessing the internet, as well as supports our program for human resource development in Enggros Village," he said.


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