Teluk Wondama Regency Government accelerates the distribution of social assistance

The Government of Teluk Wondama Regency in West Papua Province seeks to accelerate the distribution of social assistance from the government to residents affected by the increase in fuel prices.

The Deputy Regent of Teluk Wondama Andarias Kayukatuy instructed the relevant regional apparatus organizations to move quickly to complete the distribution of social assistance from the government.

"Social assistance to the community must be realized immediately to anticipate the increase in the price of goods. Don't delay it anymore because it's already December (before Christmas Day)," he said at the inflation control coordination meeting in Teluk Wondama Regency, Monday.

The Teluk Wondama Regency Government allocated Rp2.7 billion in the 2022 Amendment Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the social safety net program to maintain people's purchasing power and control regional inflation.

The funds are used to distribute direct cash assistance to motorcycle taxi drivers, provide assistance to indigenous Papuans (OAP), provide fishing gear assistance to fishermen, provide transportation subsidies, and carry out labor-intensive activities.
Andi asked the Department of Industry and Trade to monitor the prices of goods on a regular basis so that the price movements of goods, especially basic necessities, can be known.

"If possible, every day or every three days there is monitoring of the price of goods in the market or in shops. Price control is important so that traders do not arbitrarily increase prices. Later, they will follow up with market operations or inspections," he ordered.

Head of the Wondama Bay District Social Service Eka Wosiri said that the distribution of direct cash assistance for motorcycle taxi drivers will be carried out in the future.

"The funds have been entered into the official account a few days ago, we will distribute it as soon as possible," he said.


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