Papua Land Aware of Sustainable Development

Papua Land Aware of Sustainable Development

The inauguration of the Youtefa Bridge opens so many opportunities for people in the Land of Papua. Aside from being an access to the embryo of the local economic zone, the bridge that stretches along 11.6 km will also be a means of connecting to the Koya Area, as the location of a number of sports in the National Sports Week (PON), in 2020. This is an important momentum that will open the eyes of the Indonesian people to the enormous potential of development in the Land of Papua.
In addition to ongoing infrastructure development, Papua and West Papua have long-term community development plans through the vision of "Risen, Independent and Prosperous Papua" and "Towards a Safe, Prosperous and Beneficial West Papua" which is the hope and enthusiasm of the community to achieve aspirations this.
Infrastructure development in the Land of Papua continues to be done to ensure better connectivity in Indonesia's easternmost province, in order to encourage economic growth. One of them was through the inauguration of the Youtefa Bridge by President Joko Widodo (28/10) connecting Jayapura City with the embryo of the economic center of the Skouw Region.
This connection will be an important capital for the people of Tanah Papua to accelerate their development, including opening opportunities for green investment to manage the natural resources of the Land of Papua in a sustainable manner.
The spirit of green investment also reaches Tanah Papua, where the community is increasingly aware that fertile land can produce commodities from plantations and fisheries can be a great source of income for the region.
The potential for green profession development as an inclusive employment opportunity is now wide open, ranging from agribusiness, ecotourism, logistics, creative industries, to technology and energy. Papua can optimize the existing potential by promoting the green principle. Assistance from the government and the private sector needs to be continued.
Papuan youth must immediately prepare to take a real role in filling the green profession, so that they can contribute to sustainable development for the Land of Papua from the start.

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