3 Trans Papua Workers Again, Attacked Allegedly Separatist Groups Are the Perpetrators

3 Trans Papua Workers Again, Attacked Allegedly Separatist Groups Are the Perpetrators

Papua separatist group is strongly suspected of shooting at three employees of PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) who were carrying out road maintenance in Gunung Bintang Regency.

Workers were shot at while passing by trucks. As a result, 3 employees were hospitalized. As a result of the incident, road maintenance activities were temporarily stopped.

Osman Marbun, Head of the National Road Implementation Agency (BBPJN) of the X Province of Papua, confirmed the shooting incident on Monday (2/3) until three employees were treated at the Oksibil Regional Hospital.

"It is true that there was a shooting at a group of PT WIKA employees who were carrying out maintenance on the 79 km Transpapua Road connecting Oksibil-Dekai, the Capital City of Yahukimo Regency," he said.

Overall, no one was seriously injured because of the report he received that the truck carrying them was fired on by OTK from a height. As a result of the incident, said Osman Marbun, road maintenance activities were suspended.

For the time being, maintenance of the Transpapua Road on the Oksibi-Dekai road is stopped for an undetermined deadline.

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