As a form of solidarity with the House of Representatives, the People's Consultative Assembly
As a form of solidarity with the House of Representatives, the People's Consultative Assembly |
MPR Chair Bambang Soesatyo together with the leadership of the MPR, DPR, and DPD printed a new history, for the first time jointly conducting work visits to various regions in Papua. As a form of solidarity and concern for the representative institutions of the people in the country in Papua.
Bamsoet met with the Jayawijaya Regency Regional Leaders Communication Forum (Forkopimda) and said the MPR as a people's consultative body filled with members of the DPR and DPD was very concerned about the development of Papua. Both in terms of physical infrastructure and human resources.
So that Papua can become the Golden Gate (Gate of Gold) Eastern Indonesia. At the same time strengthening Indonesia's foreign policy in the South Pacific region. Because to be Papua is to be Indonesia. And vice versa, there could not be Indonesia without the presence of Papua.
After meeting with Forkopimda Jayawijaya Regency, the leadership of the MPR, DPR and DPD continued to review the construction of houses specifically for the victims of the Wamena riots. The Head of the FKPPI State Defense Agency asserted that the recovery of fellow countrymen who were victims of the Wamena riots was a priority that should not be forgotten for any reason.
In addition to facilities and infrastructure of public infrastructure such as roads, markets and bridges, the recovery of residents' housing facilities also needs to be accelerated. This is a manifestation of the country's presence in protecting Indonesia's blood spilled as mandated by the opening of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Of the target of 193 units of type 36 houses, 20 units have been completed in which 10 units have been occupied.
The Deputy Chairperson of the Pancasila Youth emphasized the importance of peace in Papua. It should not be disturbed let alone be defeated by the actions of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB), which so far often launches unsettling actions.
"In addition to the legal approach to criminal offenders, it is also important to immediately implement a national approach through increasing the intensity of dialogue. Involving various parties ranging from the central, regional, religious and traditional leaders, and community leaders. It is hoped that through dialogue, bridges will be built "To build mutual understanding, MPR RI FOR PAPUA is ready to become its facilitator," said Bamsoet.
Based on that national spirit, during his visit to Wamena Jayawijaya, the Deputy Chairperson of SOKSI also initiated the signing of the Pledge of Nationality inscription. Involving the leaders of the MPR, the DPR, the DPD, together with the MPR RI FOR PAPUA and the Forkopimda staff to continue to strive to present a comprehensive solution for the future of the land of Papua based on Justice, Welfare, and Culture.
Therefore, the former Speaker of the DPR is pushing for special autonomy funds (otsus) for Papua and West Papua which will expire in 2021, to be extended by the political decisions of the central government and the DPR. By promoting the effectiveness of the use of special autonomy funds to improve the welfare, education and health of the people of Papua.
If totaled since it was first rolled out in 2002, Papua and West Papua Otsus funds have now reached around Rp 126.99 trillion. After rolling 18 years of Papua's special autonomy fund and 13 years of West Papua special autonomy fund, its utilization must be maximized even more. Every year, the total funds for Papua and West Papua Otsus are always increased from around Rp 6.83 trillion in 2014 to Rp 8.37 trillion in 2020 with Rp 5.86 trillion for Papua and Rp 2.51 trillion for West Papua.
'' Therefore the evaluation is important, not to find fault but to find benefits. So that special autonomy funds can be effectively used for the prosperity of the community, "concluded Bamsoet.
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