900 Rapid Test Equipment Distributed to South Papua

900 Rapid Test Equipment Distributed to South Papua

A total of 900 rapid tests were distributed to a number of areas in southern Papua. Delivery of hundreds of rapid tests using the services of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and Associated Mission Aviation (AMA) services.

The Jury of Speech (Spokesperson) of the Papua Province Covid-19 Task Force on Silwanus Sumule said that his party had just sent a number of rapid tests to several districts that had the most lists of people under monitoring (ODP).

"Yes, today we have distributed to several districts, especially in the southern region of Papua," Silwanus said Saturday, April 4, 2020 through his short message.

Silwanus detailed, there are four hospitals that have received the rapid test. Among them, Merauke Hospital received 400 rapid tests, Mappi Hospital received 200 rapid tests, Boven Digoel Hospital received 120 rapit tests, and Asmat Hospital received 180 rapit tests.

"Rapit test is prioritized only for ODP, for the general public who have no symptoms yet, but if there are people who are not included in the ODP and have symptoms, they can come to the health service center to be examined," he said.

From the data issued by the Task Force as of April 3, 2020 at 19:00 CET, the number of ODP, Regency of Merauke reached 1,205 people while the PDP of four people, Mappi Regency has no ODP and PDP data but the initial covid-19 case in southern Papua started from Mappi Regency .

For Boven Digoel District, there are 30 ODPs and three PDPs, while in Asmat Regency there are seven ODPs and no ODPs.

"Hopefully the rapit test can be used properly, and hopefully the ODP examined later will not change its status to PDP or covid-19," Silwanus said.

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