TNI Builds Communication on Communities Regarding KKB Terror Acts

TNI Builds Communication on Communities Regarding KKB Terror Acts

Korem 172 / PWY made various efforts in creating security and order in the mountains of Bintang Bintang, Papua. This is related to the current condition in the Serambakon district which is less conducive due to the terror carried out by the Armed Separatist Group (KSB) lately.

The efforts that have been made include a persuasive approach with all elements of the community in the district. "We always give priority to the approach to the community through social communication and of course with a delivery that can be understood and understood," said Head of Information Korem 172 / PWY Major Inf Eka Yudha in Oksibil in a written statement, Saturday (4/4/2020).

He explained, Danramil and Babinsa as well as soldiers who had been on alert in Serambakon also carried out anjangsana in the homes of the people. Including involving all parties, both the Regional Government (Bupati, Kadistrik and village heads), DPR, religious leaders, traditional leaders and youth.

"We urge all parties to be able to dialogue and work together to provide an explanation to the public so as not to be influenced by groups that often make terror. And until now the presence of the TNI in the Serambakon district has received a warm welcome by the community", said Eka.

This community support is indicated by the role of the community providing information, and assistance to the new TNI post by delivering part of the yields of the garden in the form of vegetables, boneng (sweet potatoes), firewood for cooking and so forth.

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