Infantry Battalion 411 Kostrad Tightens Security Patrol at the RI-PNG Border

Infantry Battalion 411 Kostrad Tightens Security Patrol at the RI-PNG Border

Soldiers from the Satgas Pamtas Infantry Battalion 411 / Pdw Kostrad Mechanical Raider tightened security patrols in the border area. In addition to maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, the soldiers also prevented the spread of the Corona Virus or Covid-19 in the RI-PNG border region,

Dansatgas explained that security patrol activities continue to be carried out by personnel of the Kostrad 411 Infantry Battalion Task Force, which is a follow-up to the prevention of the Corona Virus outbreak as a result of human traffic in the entrances of the two countries, especially in rat routes that can be used as access by illegal border crossing activities. The patrol activity is an effort to prevent illegal border crossers.

"The rampant spread of the Covid-19 outbreak has become a major concern of the Indonesian government at this time, one of them is through the policy of the Merauke Regent who closed temporary access at the RI-PNG border, Sota District, so that the security of our border areas is enhanced as a way to prevent border crossings by illegal through the rat route, "said Dansatgas.

Furthermore Dansatgas said that to prevent the spread of the virus from spreading, his party continued to carry out security patrols every day. In addition to maintaining security, stability also prevents the spread of Corona Virus which has become a world pandemic.

"Even though at this time, there are no reports from each post about illegal border crossers, and if they are found, our actions will be in accordance with the provisions, such as recording, checking and reporting to the top command to be immediately submitted to the local Immigration, "He said.

Hopefully the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak can be quickly resolved, so that the community can carry out activities normally again, and of course it requires the participation and cooperation of all levels of society.

In a separate place, Pasi Intel Task Force Infantry Battalion Raider411 / Pdw Kostrad First Lieutenant Inf Asep Saepudin, S.T.Han. said that in addition to tightening security at the border, cooperation with existing cross-cutting sectors also continues to be increased in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak, particularly in the southern sector's border region.

"The ceaseless synergy with Cross Sectoral and all levels of society continues to be intensified by the 411 Kostrad Satgas Task Force posts, by continuing to educate and urge fostered citizens to be disciplined in following the directions set by the government," he said.

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