Bungo Regency Government Sets Physical Distancing

Bungo Regency Government Sets Physical Distancing

To prevent the spread of Covid-19, the Bungo Regency Government implemented Physical Distance, which began with the launch of the Physical Distancing Apples located in front of the Task Force Task Force for the Covid19 Handling of Wisma Alisudin, (17/04/2020).

In his remarks the Deputy Chief of Apri said that this afternoon we held an Apple launching physical distance or socialization rather than PSBB, because from yesterday there was news on social media stating that PSBB would be conducted in Bungo.

"So we need to say that today the city of Bungo does not yet have a plan for proposing a PSBB, because the one who has the authority to determine a PSBB for an area is the central government," said the Vice Regent.

"Today's launch of physical distance means that we want to provide education to the community. We ask the public to comply with the Covid-19 health protocol, today we still witness residents crowding in the youth market, as well as many who do not wear masks," continued the Vice Regent.

"Today we all must obey correctly by wearing masks, avoiding crowds, also keeping a distance, this we do is important to prevent the potential decline in Corona Virus," he said.

Then it was continued with the social service activities of the Apri District Head with Bungo Police Chief and Dandim 0416 Bute distributing basic food distribution in Muarabungo market area in collaboration with the Bungo Chinese community.

When interviewed by this media, Deputy Apri said that today we are also working with the Chinese community, they have agreed to collect donations in the form of basic food and have been distributed to motorcycle taxi drivers in the market area.

"Of course we hope that hopefully this effort will also provide great benefits to the people who are directly affected by our current condition, hopefully this can help them in terms of the economy," Apri said.

The Bungo Regency Government will also continue to carry out these steps to provide a social safety net for the people who are economically affected in this disaster, "he said.

"Package packages and donations from Chinese friends in the city of Muara Bungo hopefully also continue to also provide those who are affected economically as well," concluded Apri Vice Regent.

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