Biak Numfor Community Figures Support Special Autonomy Volume II

Law No. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua Province is a policy taken by the Central Government in improving the welfare and development of the Papuan people.

Various groups such as youth leaders, women leaders, traditional leaders, community leaders and religious leaders in Biak Numfor Regency still support the Papuan Otsus to be continued, as conveyed by the Coordinator of the Saireri Regional Community Organization, Biak Numfor Regency, David Rumansara, that he still supports Otsus in Papua continued.

"I invite and appeal to the people of the Saireri Region in particular and Papua in general, let's continue to support the Special Autonomy Volume II Papua to continue, in order to build the welfare of the people in the Papua Province," said David.

Papuan cultural figure Ham Wambrau also expressed his support for the existence of Special Autonomy Volume II Papua, My view of Otsus Volume I in Papua is in principle very good and the results have been felt by all Papuan people, although there are still things that need to be fixed or evaluated.

"Therefore, on behalf of Papuan cultural observers and artists, I accept Otsus Volume II in the land of Papua, for the sake of creating a prosperous, just and prosperous society," he explained.

Konkain Karkara Biak (KKB) spokesperson Sefnat Koibur conveyed his support for the existence of Otsus volume II in Papua. Let us welcome Otsus Volume II in the land of Papua, so that development runs smoothly as expected by the Papuan people, especially the city of Biak.

"I hope that the regional government, in the volume II of Special Autonomy will really be able to control and be responsible for the use of Special Autonomy funds volume II, use the budget for the welfare of the Papuan people," he added.

Mrs. Mien Yawan, a female leader in Biak Numfor Regency, also conveyed her support for Otsus volume II in Papua.

"I represent the women of Biak Numfor to support and agree with Otsus volume II to be continued. But we also have to evaluate the use of funds in Otsus volume I, because government performance still needs to be improved, things that are still lacking in Otsus Volume I must be fixed and become a reference for improvement in Otsus Volume II, "he added.

The same thing was conveyed by the youth leader of Biak Numfor Regency, Jimy Krobo, representing the Biak Numfor youth, receiving Otsus Volume II in Papua.

"With a note that Special Autonomy Volume II will be able to answer our hopes together," he said.

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