The convoy of the red and white flag at sea in Raja Ampat
The Raja Ampat Regency Government of West Papua Province, together with the Professional Divers Association and other partners, held a convoy of red and white flags under the sea to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia in 2020.
The convoy of red and white flags under the Raja Ampat sea was attended by dozens of tour guides who were members of the Raja Ampat Professional Divers Association, TNI, Polri by implementing the COVID-19 prevention health protocol.
Head of the Raja Ampat Tourism Office Yusdi Lamatenggo said the flag convoy activity on the seabed was an annual event for the Raja Ampat Government in celebrating Indonesia's Independence Day.
He said the activity was aimed at fostering a sense of pride and love for the people of Raja Ampat for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
According to him, the activity of the red and white flag convoy under the sea is at the same time to promote new ways of diving tours in the new normal era by implementing the health protocol for preventing COVID-19.
"This activity is also a form of promotion for the preparation of the local government and all tourism stakeholders ready to receive domestic tourist visits to come for diving tours under the Raja Ampat sea," he said.
Chairman of the Raja Ampat Professional Divers Association, Ruben Sauyai, who gave a separate statement said that his association was involved in the convoy activity to provide support to the local government in welcoming the Indonesian Independence Day as well as welcoming the new normal of local tourism.
"This activity also shows the public the new diving SOPs that have been made in the new normal era of tourism in Raja Ampat Regency," he added.
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