Special autonomy brings progress for Papua

The special autonomy policy for the Provinces of Papua and West Papua is considered to have provided great progress for the development of infrastructure and human resources throughout the Land of Papua.

The senior figure of the Papuan government, Michael Manufandu, in a webinar on the theme of Measuring the Future of Papua, said that the special autonomy policy by the Indonesian government had made great progress for the Land of Papua.

According to him, the special autonomy policy for the development of education and health infrastructure in Tanah Papua is progressing. Even the authority to regulate the budget and the government is given to indigenous Papuans.

"With the policy of law number 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for Schools, Community Health Centers, and even Hospitals, were built throughout Papua. Even Papuan children are given the opportunity to study abroad and become officials in all government institutions, "he said.

Therefore, he added that there is no reason to say that the Land of Papua has not developed progressively within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Deputy of Kominfo at the State Intelligence Agency, Wawan Hari Purwanto, who gave a separate statement, said that the special autonomy for Papua made great progress for the people of Papua.

He explained that so far development in Papua is still on the track through the acceleration of development in the economic, education, infrastructure and other sectors so that Papua and West Papua will soon become advanced regions parallel to other provinces in Indonesia.

With the preparation of PON (National Sports Week), for example, the government has built world-class venues. The development of infrastructure, electricity, clean water, logistics via air bridges, and the one-price fuel oil (BBM) policy is a manifestation of the accelerated development that is currently taking place in Papua.

"The government always encourages the acceleration of development in Papua. We often go to Bappenas to prioritize development programs in Papua. Now the results are starting to show, ”he said.

University of Indonesia academic, Chusnul Mariyah, also said that the special autonomy policy made progress for the Land of Papua.

"I have been to several areas in Papua such as Sorong and Jayapura to carry out my duties. Development in the Land of Papua is very advanced, "he said

However, he said, it cannot be denied that there are still shortcomings so that it needs to be re-evaluated so that it runs well.

He added that in order to resolve Papua's political problems, the government must stay away from the power approach. Approaches to values, needs, and interests must be prioritized so that the state is truly present for the people of Papua.

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