The Government Claims Papua's Special Autonomy Successfully Reduces Poverty Rates

The special autonomy stipulated in Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 9 of 2020 is claimed to have succeeded in reducing poverty in Papua and West Papua.

Minister of PPN / Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa said a comprehensive strategy for Papua had been carried out from various perspectives since the era of special autonomy (autonomy) in 2001, both by the central government and regional governments.

“A number of steps in the grand design have been taken for Papua and West Papua. Significant changes are reflected in the decrease in the percentage of poor people, from 54.75 percent in March 1999 to 26.55 percent in September 2019, "said Suharso.

According to him, the grand design for the acceleration of welfare development in Papua and West Papua includes seven strategic steps.

First, the government agrees that the autonomy framework in accordance with Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua Province is an asymmetric, affirmative, and contextual step in managing development, regional governance, and public services in Papua.

In the context of the sectoral regulatory framework to the budget framework, the Special Autonomy has sparked a new spirit of formulating policies that are specific to Papua, both at the central and regional levels.

Second, Otsus has pushed for political decentralization that opens up space for Indigenous Papuans (OAP) to participate in local governance. OAP as governor, regent and mayor, recognizes cultural specificity through the presence of the Papuan People's Assembly since 2004, and has formed new districts since 2002 to accelerate public services for Papuans in remote areas.

"This means that the authority to manage development is in the hands of the Papuan people, according to local needs and wisdom," said Suharso.

Third, special autonomy is the government's guide in the special design of accelerated development of Papua, through Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2017 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua Provinces and most recently, Presidential Instruction No. 9 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua. .

This strategy is a testament to the alignment of the Papuan context with a focus on Papuan human resources, the people's economy from upstream to downstream, integrated regional infrastructure, sustainable development, and good governance.

"The Indonesian government encourages priority activities that are quick wins in various districts / cities according to customary territories and strengthens partnerships with various local figures in various sectors for the implementation of development from 2021 to 2024," added Minister Suharso.

Fourth, President Joko Widodo's steps through the adoption of a cultural approach to customary and ecological territories in national development planning, both in the 2015-2019 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and 2020-2024 RPJMN. Meanwhile, the approach to 7 customary territories in Papua includes the customary areas of Saireri, Tabi, Laa Pago, Mee Pago, Animha, Domberai, and Bomberai.

It is hoped that the policy strategy and implementation can match the needs, aspirations and local wisdom of Papua and West Papua. Fifth, commitment to empowering OAP in the public sphere, both in the ranks of ministries / institutions, TNI / Polri, and BUMN.

In particular, Suharso explained that the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, issued Presidential Decree Number 17 of 2019 concerning the Procurement of Goods and Services in the context of the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua which encourages the alignment of ministries / institutions and local governments in increasing the capacity of Papuan business actors, including important breakthroughs for OAP entrepreneurs to participate in direct procurement in construction work worth a maximum of Rp. 1 billion.

 In particular, OAP entrepreneurs can also participate in tenders whose participants are limited to Papuan business actors for construction work with a value of at least more than IDR 1 billion and a maximum of IDR 2.5 billion.

 Suharso said this affirmative policy was also aimed at creating entrepreneurs among OAPs. Sixth, the government has also designated Papua Province as the host of the 2020 PON XX, which was postponed to October 2021 as an effort to mitigate the Covid-19 pandemic. This is a historic moment to awaken the pride and identity of the OAP's identity, as well as mobilizing regional economic equality for all levels of Papuan society.
 As mandated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo, PON is not only a sports competition, but also acts as a common arena to celebrate diversity, strengthen the spirit of brotherhood, and strengthen unity and integrity.
 The XX PON 2020 which will be held in three cities / regencies, namely Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, and Mimika Regency, and Merauke Regency as a buffer district will compete in 37 sports (sports), including aerosport, fencing, badminton, chess, rowing. , wrestling, judo, shooting, muaythai, archery, gymnastics, Sepak Takraw, rollerblading, taekwondo, drajat fighting, tennis, boxing, to wushu and several other sports.
 Seventh, various approaches, strategies and policies that are holistic and affirmative for Papua are based on the prevailing global conditions, including climate change adaptation, disaster resilience, gender and social inclusion, collaborative and open governance, and human security. In this case, several new initiatives were carried out, such as the implementation of the Low Carbon Development Initiative or Low Carbon Development in West Papua, the initiation of Green Economic Growth for Papua, to digital-based village development in Papua and West Papua.
 According to Suharso, the government is open to hearing various suggestions and input from stakeholders to manage development in Papua Land.
 "Our common basic principle is the acceleration of the development of Papua which is humanist, sustainable and inclusive, which is oriented towards fulfilling the basic rights of the Papuan people within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," concluded Minister Suharso.


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