Calling for the Extermination of KSTP, Bamsoet: I Am Ready to be Responsible!

The act of the Papuan Terrorist Separatist Group (KSTP) in Papua has again claimed lives. Papua Regional Head (Kabinda) Brigadier General I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha died after a gun battle in Beoga District, Puncak Regency on Sunday (25/4).

In addition, one police officer was also killed in a firefight in Ilaga, Puncak Regency. For the series of brutal actions, President Joko Widodo has ordered the TNI Commander and the Chief of Police to chase and arrest all members of the KSTP.

Critics of the KSTP's actions also came from various circles. One of them was the Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) who called for all members of the separatist and terrorist movements to be eliminated.

"Do the separatists and terrorists use the theory of human rights when they kill the people and apparatus on duty? Brush up, crush and flatten the inhuman separatists and terrorists," said Bamsoet in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/4/2021).

Bamsoet stated that he was ready to be responsible before international law for the treatment of members of separatist groups.

"As the leader of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, in order to protect the people and the country, I am ready to become a person who is responsible before international law or any law. Most importantly, separatists and terrorists can be eliminated from Indonesian soil," said bamsoet.

The chairman of the 20th DPR RI explained that from the aspects of national security and legal defense, it is very clear that the Armed Criminal Group (KSTP) in Papua is not an ordinary armed criminal group. They are among the movements that have political motivation to separate from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

"They clearly do not have the right to self-determination. Because when Papua became an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia based on the 1962 New York Agreement, the right to self-determination was invalidated by law," explained Bamsoet.

The head of the FKPPI State Defense Agency emphasized that it was very appropriate if the KSTP movement was seen as a rebellion movement against the legitimate government (treason) by means of terror. That way, the stipulation of a state of military emergency, both in national and international law, is legal and can be enforced immediately.

"There should no longer be tolerance for separatists and terrorists to commit crimes that disturb the community and result in casualties. Mobilize all the strength of the state. If necessary, reduce the best 4 Matra forces we have besides Densus 88 and Brimob Polri. Namely Gultor Kopassus. , Raiders, Bravo and Denjaka. Give it one month, they will definitely be able to wipe out the separatists and terrorists in Papua to the root, "said Bamsoet.


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