SAR Will Hold VAR Training to Prepare PON Papua in Mimika
The Timika Search and Rescue Office (SAR) immediately held a vehicle accident rescue or VAR exercise for personnel. This activity is part of the preparation for the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON).
Head of the Timika SAR Office, George L. Mercy Randang, said that this training would be held after Lebaran 2021. Those involved included BPBD, Mimika Police Traffic Unit, PMI and a number of other related elements.
"One of the sub-clusters organizing PON Papua is in Mimika Regency. Therefore, the traffic flow on the main roads of Timika City will be congested, so that accidents may occur," said George L. Mercy in Mimika Regency, Papua, Thursday (30 / 4/2021).
The existence of this VAR training made the personnel as well as the potential for SAR able to help accident victims. These activities will later bring in instructors from the central Basarnas.
George said that the involvement of all SAR potentials in dealing with accident victims, not only on land, sea and air, was very much needed, especially since the Timika SAR personnel were still very limited in number.
"We are from Basarnas only a few personnel, we also do not have an ambulance to provide assistance. That's why we need synergy so that all elements in the event of such a situation," he said.
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