HMI MPO Agree on Terrorist Status for KKB Papua


The government has declared the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua to be terrorists. The Islamic Student Association of the Organizational Rescue Council (HMI MPO) supports the government's response to the separatist KKB.

Based on the records of HMI MPO, the KKB, which calls itself the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), has committed acts of violence against civilians, the police and the TNI. KKB has taken 1,300 residents hostage, killed civilians, burned houses, schools, and shot the head of the Papua Regional State Intelligence Agency (Kabinda), Major General Posthumous I Gusti Putu Danny.

"The actions taken by the KKB cannot be justified under any pretext because many have targeted civilians. Therefore it is correct that the government calls the KKB and all groups affiliated with it a terrorist group," said Chairman of the Legal and Human Rights Commission of PB HMI MPO, Bagus. Pramudya Wardana, in his written statement to detikcom, Saturday (1/5/2021).

HMI MPO observes that the labeling of terrorists on the Papuan KKB is in accordance with Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism. In Article 1 paragraph 2 of the Law, it is explained that terrorism is an act that uses violence and causes widespread fear, causes victims, and causes damage.

"The government's stance and firm steps need appreciation and support from all parties in Indonesia for the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia," said Chairman of PB HMI MPO, Affandi Ismail.

With the labeling of terrorists against the KKB, the government is increasingly determined to take steps to take action against the KKB. However, government officials also need to consider Human Rights (HAM) in dealing with the situation in Papua.

"There is the most important thing that must always be paid attention to by government officials, especially the TNI-Polri, in taking action against KKB, namely that the suppression of KKB must be right on target and measurable by always paying attention to the aspects of upholding human rights (HAM) and in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, "said Affandi.

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