There is a Sea Toll Road, Shipping Goods to Papua is Easier

The government continues to intensify the Sea Highway Program to improve the economy of a region, one of which is Papua. The Directorate General of Sea Transportation through KSOP Class II Jayapura continues to provide technical assistance to the implementation of the Sea and Multi-Moda Toll Program in Papua Province.

Head of KSOP Class II Jayapura, Taher Laitupa said in the framework of the technical series of logistics distribution implementation through the Sea and Multimodal Toll Program in Nduga Regency, his party carried out direct coordination and virtual meetings attended by the Regional Government (Pemda) and other relevant stakeholders.

"The agenda for the meeting discussed the follow-up action to the National Strategic Program of the Trans-Papua Sea Toll Road which has been programmed and is running on the 2021 Route & the Acceleration of Development of the Nduga Regency," he said, Tuesday (10/8/2021).

For example, the logistics distribution process for rice from Merauke to Nduga and the refugees in Wamena Jayawijaya, the process of sending materials for the construction of church worship facilities by the Nduga Regency Government from the Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya - Pomako Mimika - Mumugu/Batas Batu Nduga.

Taher revealed that currently the Regent of Nduga Wentius Nimiangge continues to improve physical development and also empower local communities to participate in the development and education of the Putra Putri Nduga human resources by continuing to coordinate with the Ministries of Technical K/L Institutions, one of which is the Ministry of Transportation.

He hopes that as a Regional Coordinator at the UPT-UPT of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation in the Papua Province region, of course the Trans-Papua and Multimodal Sea Toll Program that has been running so far must continue to be used by the community in regencies in mountainous areas such as For example, Nduga Regency, Jayawijaya Regency and Puncak Regency as well as other regencies in coastal areas such as Merauke Regency, Mimika Regency, Fak-Fak Regency, Supiori Regency, Sarmi Regency and Jayapura Regency as well as other regencies which are currently developing and increasing the use of the Sea Toll Road. .

"In fact, this is followed by the desire and participation of Papuan native sons and daughters in shipping service education under the auspices of the Ministry of Transportation's BPSDM," he said.

On the same day KSOP Class II Jayapura facilitated Papuan Young Leaders for discussions and hearings with STIP Chair Amiruddin in Jakarta in the context of accepting prospective cadets from the Papua and West Papua regions and also scholarship opportunities to be given to Papuan native sons and daughters at official schools. STIP Jakarta Cruise.

"This is the basis given that Pacific Trade is increasing and human resources are needed to make Indonesia's Vision of the World Maritime Axis, especially in Eastern Indonesia," said Laus Rumayom, an Academic of Cenderawasih University who previously served as Associate Expert of Deputy V, Presidential Staff Office.

Also present were the Head of Sea Transport Traffic and Port Business KSOP Jayapura Willem Thobias Fofid, Cenderawasih University Academician Jhon Mandosir, Habelino Sawaki Alumnus of the Defense University, Arriela Yoteni Young Diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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