Komnas HAM: Papuan KKB Action Characterizes Terrorism
Head of Komnas HAM Papua Representative Frits Ramandey said violence against health workers (nakes) carried out by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains, Papua had violated Human Rights (HAM) and was characterized by acts of terrorism.
He said the pattern carried out by KKB was the same as the attack that occurred in Nduga last April which also attacked teachers. Frits condemned the violence perpetrated by the KKB against humanitarian workers, including the one in Maybart.
According to Frits, currently the Free Papua Movement National Defense Army (TPN OPM) is fragmented into three major groups. The three groups include armed civilian groups, groups maintained by corporations, and groups fighting for political succession.
“Previously TPN OPM did not attack teachers, paramedics, and even protected schools and hospitals. However, at this time the movement has a new pattern that targets civilians," said Frits, as quoted in an official statement, Wednesday (29/9/2021).
Still related to the violence in Papua, the latest case being handled by Komnas HAM is the violence in Kiwirok against the community and health workers.
From the statements of five victims who have come to Komnas HAM, Frits said, the action has fulfilled the elements of human rights violations referring to Law Number 39 Article 1 Point 1.
"This action has removed the sense of security, the right to life, and is an act of direct attack on health workers," he explained.
In addition, Frits also provided a solution to President Jokowi to resolve the problems in Papua by holding a humanitarian dialogue.
"Hopefully the President will form a team that is directly responsible to the president to organize a humanitarian dialogue," he said.
Expert Staff of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Dr. Sri Yunanto said that the KKB had entered the terrorist criteria. This is when we look at the definition of terrorist according to Law Number 5 of 2018.
In theory, Sri said, a group is categorized as a terrorist group if it meets several indicators, namely using violence as the main strategy, rejecting negotiations, spreading terror and false propaganda, and attacking civilians.
"Based on these indicators, the TPNPB OPM can be categorized as a terrorist group because it can be seen that their movements attack civilians, reject the dialogue process, damage public vital objects, and cause fear," he explained.
Sri said that the government was doing its best to promote dialogue to resolve the problems that occurred in Papua.
According to him, the approach to handling TPNPB OPM in the Reformation era was much better than in the New Order era. In fact, special autonomy as a solution to political problems in Papua has provided many benefits.
SOURCE: https://kabar24.bisnis.com/read/20210929/15/1448292/komnas-ham-aksi-kkb-papua-menarkan-terorisme
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