Mandacan releases export of 11 tons of cocoa beans produced by Ransiki West Papua
West Papua Governor Dominggus Mandacan released 11 tons of premium quality dry cocoa beans produced by the Eiber Suth Cokran Ransiki South Manokwari (Mansel) Cooperative for overseas destinations via Jakarta, last Saturday.
“This 11 tons of premium quality cocoa is sent through PT. Cargil Indonesia in Jakarta to be further exported abroad," said Governor Mandacan at the Manokwari seaport.
Mandacan said the Government of West Papua will continue to support the development of Ransiki cocoa production to maintain non-deforestation leading local commodities that will help ensure the welfare of cocoa farmers.
The governor also acknowledged that the Papua provincial government and the Mansel regional government are collaborating to complete a production house that was previously budgeted for with the Green Economy program but was not continued.
"Currently, we are building a temporary production building, hopefully it will be completed soon so that it can be equipped with the necessary equipment," said Mandacan.
Furthermore, the secretary of the Ebier Cooperative, Suth Cokran Ransiki, Bram Ruddy Mala, said that from January to September 2021, the cooperative had sent 268 tons of dry cocoa beans with a total income of around Rp. 8.3 billion.
"This year's production is quite good after last year's rejuvenation of cocoa plantations in cooperative gardens and community gardens that are managed independently," he said.
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