We all know that the Government is currently very aggressive in vaccinating the community and the Government's goal of this Covid-19 vaccination program is to vaccinate at least 70% of the population in Indonesia to achieve a condition of community immunity or better known as herd immunity.

Thanks to the efforts of the Government, Indonesia has entered the list of the top 10 countries with the highest number of injections of the Covid-19 vaccine. Indonesia also ranks at the top in the scope of Southeast Asia.

Deputy Principal for Student Affairs / Person in Charge of Vaccination of SMA Negeri 2 Manokwari, Abdi Bangun, S.Pd said that currently at SMA Negeri 2 Manokwari there are 1,119 students divided into 34 classes. At the time of launching the vaccine for students which was held on August 20, 2021 at SMA Negeri 1 Manokwari, SMA Negeri 2 had sent 100 delegates to carry out vaccinations. In addition, less than 20% (200 students) have participated in self-vaccination. So that from the total students, around 300 students of SMA Negeri 2 Manokwari have participated in the vaccination.

"We carry out this vaccination in order to support the government's program as well as the plan for the implementation of face-to-face learning which will be carried out in September 2021," he said

"It is hoped that all educational circles will participate in vaccinating so that in the future we can all carry out teaching and learning activities directly," he concluded.

SOURCE: https://melanesianinfo.com/mari-tong-sambut-activity-vaccination-serentak-bagi-para-pelajar/

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