The KKB Terrorist Group is a Source of Conflict for Papua

The Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) is the source of the Papuan conflict. The existence of need to be crushed completely because it not only causes casualties but also hinders development in Papua.

The Separatist Terrorist Group (KST) is suspected to be the culprit in the shooting of the Smart Air plane that was about to land in Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains Regency. KST's brutal actions resulted in a hole in the left wing of the plane. As the plane was about to fly back to Oksibil, it experienced repeated fire attacks.

It is known that the Smart Air plane flying from Timika to Kiwirok piloted by Guntardi was carrying food and three passengers from the security forces. It is not yet known from which unit or agency or the identities of the three security forces who were on the plane. Currently the plane has been reported back to Oksibil, the Capital of the Star Mountains.

Col. Arm Reza Nur Patria as Head of Information for Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih said that he had not received any information regarding the presence of security forces on board the plane that was hit by the gunfire.

Meanwhile, Spokesperson for the West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organization (TPNB-OPM) Sebby Sambom said the plane was shot because it was known to be carrying TNI personnel.

If all this time KST has stated that it is fighting to free Papua from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, this action has in fact only made people afraid, in fact civilians have become victims of violence and shootings.

Previously, the Papuan Police Chief, Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw, said that KST was a group of people who often grouped together and carried out security disturbances. Paulus emphasized that he always categorizes KST as a free man. His life is just violence, frightening everyone, threatening everyone with guns.

Of course the atrocities committed by KST, which used to be called KST, can no longer be tolerated. The state must also act immediately. So that the death toll among the Papuan people will no longer fall, the state must act decisively and measuredly.

When the state acts decisively and KST members surrender, they must be faced with legal processes to account for the armed violence they have committed so far. On the other hand, if the state's decisive action was responded to by a deadly armed attack by KST, it would not be wrong if the TNI-Polri soldiers also launched a counterattack in the name of defending the country and protecting all the blood spilled.

The existence of KST in Papua with all its evil actions so far must have caused endless fear for local residents. It is not wrong if Papuans are inflamed and express their jealousy towards their fellow countrymen and countrymen in other regions who are allowed to enjoy the dynamics of normal life without being afraid of a sudden attack from KST.

With the existence of atrocities that clearly violate human rights, of course the state must be present with a clear goal, namely to protect Papuans so that they can live a normal life, without being overshadowed by terror and fear. When Papua returns to peace and conducive without conflict involving firearms, the government can calmly continue development on Cenderawasih Earth

Fighting and liberating Papua from various terrors and crimes against humanity by KST is a concrete manifestation for the state to protect the basic rights of the Papuan people. KST does not stop voicing the narrative to separate from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the group also justifies any means such as rioting, burning public facilities to carrying out attacks on security forces.

We need to know that the United Nations has rejected the Papuan referendum plan, and decided that Papua and West Papua are an inviolable part of Indonesia. The decision was conveyed by the Ambassador/permanent representative of Indonesia to the United Nations (UN) Dian Triansyah Djani in Geneva.

KST has actually become a source of conflict for Papua, they often carry out attacks to show their existence. The existence of these groups has also significantly disrupted the peace of civil society living in Papua.


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