The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) has been forced from hiding after a series of terrorist acts in the Bintang Mountains Regency (Pegubin). Lamek Taplo, who is the leader of the KKB in the Pegubin area, is also reported to have burned a number of villages in four districts.
It is known that four districts were affected by the KKB terror act, including Kiwirok, Oklib, Okyob, and Okika. According to one youth leader from Kiwirok, Yulian Uropmabin, that KKB deliberately set fire to the village to deceive the efforts of the TNI-Polri security forces. (24/10)
“In total there are 4 districts, and the last one is the burning of people's houses. They did this on purpose because the authorities already knew about the existence of the KKB, perhaps to trick them,"
Yulian also said that KKB had lived in the village for a few days. He also testified that the existence of KKB in his village had created fear and unrest for the residents. He even suspected that the arrival of KKB would prolong the problem.
“They came and were here for a few days. At that time, the people were starting to get scared, they were restless. Because the arrival of the KKB will definitely bring other influences, indirectly it is the residents who are ultimately affected, the evidence is that at this time there are some of us who have to evacuate, "
Yulian in his statement also said that if KKB insisted on being served, some residents had to hand over pork and food ingredients. This was done by KKB even with threats of violence using weapons.
"It's true that they ask to be served, some ask for pork, some ask for food. If we don't give them they will be angry, we are also afraid because they come with weapons,"
After the burning action carried out by KKB, Yulian mentioned that thousands of residents from the four affected districts had to finally escape to the forest. Not only that, he said that several families fled to the Papua New Guinea border.
“Because we felt very afraid because KKB kept forcing the residents, finally some of us started to leave the village. There are also those that reach the borders of PNG. The total of the chaos caused by this KKB may be thousands, most of them moved to Oksibil (Regency Capital),”
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