Ministry of Agriculture: Seed Independence and Involvement of Millennial Farmers are Key to Papuan Agricultural Success
The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) said that seed independence and the involvement of millennial farmers in the agricultural sector were the main keys for Papua Province to be food independent and export.
"One of the keys to increasing production in Papua is the independence of seeds," said Head of the Bureau of Public Relations and Public Information, Kuntoro Boga Andri when inspecting rice cultivation land for seed sources in Koya Barat Village, Muara Tani District, Jayapura City, Friday (12/11). .
In addition to seed independence, said Kuntoro, agricultural development in Papua must also be massively involved by involving millennial farmers.
According to Kuntoro, millennial farmers are able to make breakthrough agricultural innovations that are superior, professional and competitive, so that unproductive agricultural land can be optimized and managed, so that it has a high selling value.
“Papuan agriculture will accelerate if millennial farmers are strong. Millennial farmers can quickly implement various packages of innovation and agricultural technology from upstream to downstream. Like in Kampung Koya Barat, there are young people who farm rice for seeds. In the future, we hope to be able to develop our business through access to KUR from banks," said Kuntoro.
Head of the Papua Agricultural Technology Study Center (BPTP), Agricultural Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Martina Sri Lestari added, Papua AIAT in 2021 will focus on running the Source Seed Management Business program. This program runs in Papua's rice production centers, namely Merauke, Nabire, Kerom and Jayapura City.
"The key for Papua to be self-sufficient in food is seed independence, so assistance activities for developing seed sources are our main activity and there are also downstream development activities for rice, cocoa and horticultural crops," said Martina.
Basri, one of the millennial farmers of Kampung Koya Barat assisted by BPTP Papua, said that up to now he and 5 other farmers are currently cultivating rice for 10 hectares of source seed. This activity received assistance from BPTP Papua so that the treatment was carried out optimally.
"Thank God the production is 7 to 8 tons per hectare. As for seeds, we get 4 tons per hectare. The seeds we develop are Inpari 30, Inpari 32 and Siliwangi. The price of dry milled unhulled rice is Rp. 7 thousand per kilogram," he said.
Please note, the area of rice cultivation for seed sources in Jayapura City is 100 hectares. Present at the visit of the Head of the Jayapura Agricultural Quarantine Center, Muhlis Natsir, Jayapura Veterinary Workshop, Suryantana.
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