Special Autonomy Makes Papua More Developed Than Papua New Guinea
The presence of the Special Autonomy (Otsus) program in Papua has brought many benefits to the local community. This was conveyed by the Biak Numfor Community Leader in Jayapura Victor Dimara.
He considered the presence of Otsus, making Papua more advanced than its neighboring country, Papua New Guinea (PNG).
“We support the Special Autonomy for Papua, which benefits have already been felt in the Land of Papua. Progress in Papua is so fast compared to our brothers in PNG," he said, quoted on Sunday, November 21, 2021.
Victor also emphasized that the presence of Otsus provided space for Papuan Orang Asli (OAP) to become leaders in their respective districts.
"We have to thank the Central Government for that," he said.
He also added that with the existence of Otsus, the Papuan people could send their children to school abroad.
"With Papua Special Autonomy funds, our children can study abroad to learn to achieve the highest knowledge and return to serve in Papua," he said.
The same thing was conveyed by the Indigenous Leader of Morerimengei, Merauke Wilhelmus Salge Gebze. He said that his party supports the extension of the Special Autonomy (Otsus) Volume II.
According to him, so far Otsus has provided many benefits. These include the construction of roads, housing and the provision of clean water. However, he hopes that the government can evaluate the funds that have been lowered.
"As the head of the Morerimengei adat, I ask the central government to extend the Special Autonomy Fund Volume II and evaluate the village funds that have been handed down by the government for villages," he said.
SOURCE : https://www.minews.id/news/otsus-buat-papua-more-maju-dari-papua-nugini
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