A total of 681 residents are enthusiastic about participating in the Jayapura City Police Vaccination

Jayapura City Police are aggressively conducting mass vaccinations for the public which were held in 9 locations in Jayapura City.

For your information, vaccinations that are open to the public are held to increase herd immunity and immunity so as to reduce the risk of transmission of the COVID-19 virus.
Jayapura City Deputy Chief of Police AKBP Supraptono said the vaccination was carried out to increase herdimumuity for immunity.
"So far, the people of Jayapura City who have only participated in the first stage of vaccination are 75.56 percent while the second stage is only 53.86 percent, so if we look at the data, it is still lacking," said Deputy Chief of Police Suprapto in Jayapura, Saturday (18/12/2021).

According to him, it is targeted that by the end of December, vaccination in Jayapura City will be at least 90 percent.
"We are targeting 90 percent by the end of December, but it all depends on the people of Jayapura City, who have not been vaccinated, so that they immediately visit the vaccination booths that have been prepared by the Jayapura City Government and other agencies," he said.

He said the implementation of mass vaccination for the public every day would be carried out and the location would be announced through the social media of the Jayapura City Police.
He added, on Friday (12/17/2021) yesterday, vaccination in 9 locations, at least 681 residents took part in vaccinations, both phase I and phase II vaccines.
"Out of 681 people, there were 307 people with Phase I vaccines, while 374 people with Phase II vaccines," he added.

SOURCE: https://papua.tribunnews.com/2021/12/18/sebanyak-681-warga-antusias-ikuti-vacsinasi-polresta-jayapura-kota

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