Jayawijaya Papua Police opened three vaccination booths

Jayawijaya Police, Papua opened three vaccination booths to accelerate the achievement of COVID-19 vaccination in this district.

Jayawijaya Police Chief AKBP Muh Safei in Wamena, Monday, said the free vaccination booths were located at Jayawijaya Police Headquarters in Lantipo Village and Kurulu Police Station.

"So that people who are close can vaccinate according to their reach," he said.

This activity is intended to encourage the acceleration of vaccination because public interest for vaccination is still low.

"Previously we have coordinated with church leaders, community leaders, women's leaders so that we can gather residents to get vaccinations," he said.

Vaccination will be carried out for three days starting from Monday (20/12) to Wednesday (22/12).

He said that because the vaccination recipients had to eat before they were injected, the police had prepared free food.

"So we provide meatballs for the community and this is all free to enjoy," he said.

Based on ANTARA's monitoring, the vaccination that took place at the Jayawijaya Police Clinic attracted the attention of residents because quite a number of people were queuing up to get the vaccine.

SOURCE : https://papua.antaranews.com/berita/668401/polres-jayawijaya-papua-buka-tiga-gerai-vacsinasi

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