Mining Sector Triggers Rapid Economic Growth in Papua

Economic growth in Papua in the third quarter of 2021 was the highest compared to other provinces in Indonesia. Until the end of September 2021, Papua Province's economic growth reached 14.54% on an annual basis (year-on-year/yoy).

This figure is far above Indonesia's economic growth rate in the same period of 3.51%. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Papua's high economic growth is caused by the mining and quarrying sector.

The business sector grew by 37.56% on an annual basis as of the end of September 2021. Head of BPS Papua Province, Adriana Helena Robaha said, the mining and quarrying sector is a vital sector in the economy of the Earth of Cendrawasih.
"Without the support of the mining and quarrying sector, Papua's gross regional domestic product (GRDP) at constant prices (ADHK) only grew 2.42% in the third quarter of 2021," he said as written in an official statement, Wednesday (15/12/2021). ).
PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) is one of the companies that have made a major contribution to realizing rapid economic growth in Papua. In the period July - September 2021, PT Freeport Indonesia's production from the Mimika mine is very steady.

As evidence, during that period PTFI's copper ore production reached 956 million tons or grew 76.05% on an annual basis. PTFI's gold production also rose 67.76% on an annual basis to 968 thousand ounces in the same period.

"PT Freeport Indonesia is grateful that the increase in our production has contributed to significant economic growth for Papua in the third quarter of 2021. We realize that this good achievement for Papua involves the role of all stakeholders, including PTFI employees and the community who continue to support the sustainability of our operations in Papua. Mimika," said PTFI President Director, Tony Wenas.

According to Tony, PTFI will continue to prioritize collaboration with the government and various stakeholders to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Papua.

"We always open the door of collaboration to realize the vision of Papua Rise, Independent, and Prosperous," he said.

Not only increasing its production, PT Freeport Indonesia also often makes various efforts to improve the welfare of the community around the mining area. One of them, PTFI together with the Mimika Regency Government, Timika Diocese, the Amungme and Kamoro Community Empowerment Foundation (YPMAK), and various other parties often carry out direct assistance programs, infrastructure development, and community capacity building for entrepreneurship. This contribution received appreciation from the local government.

"PTFI's development is not only realized through the high rate of economic growth in Papua, but is also reflected in improving the welfare of the community around PTFI's operational areas, in line with the development goals of the Mimika area," said Head of the Mimika Regency Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda), Yohana. most.


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