The Deputy Governor's seat must be filled immediately so that the wheels of the Papuan government do not die

Head of Barapen (Barisan Volunteers Care for the Archipelago) Edison Suebu said that the allocation of Otsus funds, which should have been able to reach the grassroots, had not been fully realized. He gave an example of the condition of the people in the border area of ​​the Republic of Indonesia - Papua New Guinea.

"Development in Papua is still limited to areas that appear to be urban areas, while some areas, such as the border of the Republic of Indonesia, PNG, in the Arso area, Keerom Regency, are still quite lagging behind," said Edison Suebu when met in Jayapura.
According to the man who is familiarly called Edi, there are 14 villages in the Keerom Regency that have not yet enjoyed electricity and this is something that cannot be seen.

"So we ask that the large funds (Otsus) can be used so that they can touch the community," he asked.

According to him, the development steps that have existed so far seem to only increase the prestige of certain individuals for their personal interests.

"Don't just touch the person or raise the name of an individual for the sake of image, but rather for the benefit of the general public. Society needs a touch of development too. Not only in the city or what is visible, but also remote areas that must be a concern," he stressed.

Regarding this condition, his party firmly highlights the performance of Papuan regional leaders, in this case the Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe. He assessed that Lukas Enembe was no longer able to run the wheels of government until the real conditions were stated.

Luke Enembe does not see these problems well. It is said, as regional leaders, they should be able to control the allocation of Special Autonomy funds to the grassroots.

“This is a dead government, so it's like there is no government. The wheels of government don't work, so I ask the governor with a big heart to step down from the governor's seat,” asked Edison again.

He suspects that the decline in the performance of the Papuan Provincial Government is because Papua Governor Lukas Enembe is in an unstable health condition. Under these conditions, it is fitting for the Governor to relinquish his position and give qualified Papuan figures.

“There are still many Papuan leaders who can replace him. It's already the Deputy Governor who doesn't exist, the Governor can't either, so someone has to sit in the Deputy Governor's chair to run the wheels of government," he said.

He said again, since the Deputy Governor of Papua Klement Tinal died, the Papuan government had not run. Moreover, many things are still unresolved in relation to the payment of volunteers for PON XX Papua.

"There are still many problems, regarding the PON yesterday, there were still many volunteers who had not been paid. The trillions of funds cannot be all used up, so the prosecutor's office, the KPK and related parties must look into this," he said.

"So don't let it go, if you let it go, corrupt people will continue to appear. We ask the Corruption Eradication Commission to prove that it exists to fight corruption, don't slack off,” added Edi.

SOURCE: Kursi-wagub-harus-sgera-diisi-agar-roda-governmental-papua-no-mati/

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