400 Laying Chickens Returned to OAP

Biak Numfor “The Department of Animal Husbandry and Food Crops of Biak Numfor Regency once again handed over 400 laying hens to Papuan Indigenous (OAP) breeders, Monday (21/2). This time it was Yafet Warijo's turn to get 200 laying hens in Sumberker Village, then 100 each to Yulce Randongkir and Martina Ayer in Yafdas Village.

The handover was carried out directly by Regent Herry Ario Naap, S.Si., M.Pd and Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food Crops of Biak Regency Numfor I Made Suardana, S.Sos.,MM and Chairman of Commission II DPRD Biak Numfor Yeheskel Randongkir, S. IP.
The Biak Numfor Regency Government continues to encourage laying hens to be developed in the community. In fact, until now there are at least 18 Papuan natives who have developed a laying hens farming business and are now producing local chicken eggs every day, and have even been sent to Wamena and several other areas.

"The provision of facilities and infrastructure for laying hens is carried out in a programmed and sustainable manner, where the local government continues to encourage economic-based businesses to continue to be developed in the community, and of course specifically for indigenous Papuan children, one of which is the laying hens farming business. local," said Regent Herry Naap on the sidelines of the handover of laying hens in Sumberker.

It is said, the government will continue to encourage the development of laying hens in the community continue to be followed up and developed. Not only by providing injections of facilities and infrastructure assistance, but also continuing to provide guidance and socialization in the community through various opportunities.

"Guidance through providing assistance to the community will continue to be carried out in a programmatic manner, I hope that in the future more people who are interested in the laying hens business because the marketing is quite open, sent to Wamena with several other areas in Papua and it has been going well, so it's just a matter of how to continue to develop it," " he said.

"So Biak Numfor Regency is self-sufficient in eggs and has now been sent to a number of other areas in Papua, of course, it is hoped that the community will continue to develop these businesses so that they can help increase income," the Regent added.

SOURCE: https://liputan4.com/400-tail-ayam-petelur-re-searah-ke-oap/

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