KKB is getting bolder, now they are threatening to shoot the governor and regent in Papua

After shooting dead members of the TNI, the Papuan Armed Criminal Group (KKB) is back in action. This time, they are threatening the regents and governors of Papua if they plan to divide Papua into eight.

The threat was expressed by the spokesman for the West Papua National Liberation Army - Free Papua Organization (TPNPB-OPM), Sebby Sembom, Friday (11/2/2022).

"This is a special concern for the TPNPB-OPM headquarters, Papua does not need division in the style of Jakarta," explained Sebby through his official statement.
His party wants a mediated dialogue with the United Nations and firmly rejects the expansion.

According to him, this is an evil intention from the Indonesian government towards Papua.

Previously, the Central Government considered expanding the province in Papua.

According to the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, the expansion will be regulated in a draft law which will begin to be discussed in 2022.

Threatening the Regent of Paniai

Previously, the Papuan KKB had also threatened the Regent of Paniai.
Sebby Sembom said that his members would not hesitate to attack the area if warnings were ignored.

"We warned the Regent of Paniai to reject development in Indonesia," said Sebby Sambom.

"Papuans do not need development from Indonesia, they only ask for the right to self-determination independently," he added.

Not only threatening the Regent of Paniai, the Papuan KKB also warned about a firefight that might reoccur.

They again asked the Indonesian government to withdraw military troops from Papua.

Sebby said the party would not hesitate to threaten weapons against the TNI-Polri.

"We are ready to fight the TNI-Polri who come in the Paniai Regency area," said Sebby Sambom.

SOURCE: https://makassar.tribunnews.com/2022/02/12/kkb-makin-berani-kini-they-ancam-tembak-gubernur-dan-bupati-di-papua

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