TNI Confirms Photo of Makelon Tabuni's Body Burned by Hoax, Spreader of a Student

The TNI confirmed that the photo of the burning body of a member of the Separatist Terrorist Group (KST) Makelon Tabuni, in Sinak, Puncak Regency, Papua, was not true or a hoax. The photo of the burning body of Makelon Tabuni was previously spread on social media and in several media reports.

Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih Colonel Inf Aqsha Erlangga said that a person responsible for distributing photos of the burning body of Makelon Tabuni had been arrested. The perpetrator with the initials DM who works as a teacher at a school in Sinak, Puncak.
"The DM actor has admitted that he is the one who sent photos of the burning body of Makeloni Tabuni to the KMPP WhatsApp Group (Peak Student and Student Community)," Aqsha said in a statement, Sunday (27/2).

The perpetrator admitted that he deliberately spread the hoax photo to a student and student conversation group in Puncak. The photo was then widely circulated.
"This community consists of student alumni who study in Jayapura and are currently scattered throughout Papua, while DM is in Sinak," he said.
Perpetrators Deny Create Narrative

Aqsha revealed that DM also admitted that he only sent photos of the burning in the WhatsApp Group, but was not the party that made the narration that was spread on social media.

"Security officers who have been harmed have reported DM for news that violates the law, then DM will be legally processed by the authorities regarding the violation of the ITE Law that he did himself," said Aqsha.

Aqsha said that every activity carried out by the TNI AD units in Papua must be informed to the public and the media.
"The TNI AD is very open with all activities carried out in the Papua region. Therefore, if something happens, it can be confirmed with us first, so that the news is confirmed, accurate and reliable and does not cause anxiety," he concluded.


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